We are proud to announce that Cricketqube has won a contract from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to research how BYC (Backyard Cricket) can positively impact healthy ageing in the South Asian community. We received the UKRI funding as part of the Healthy Ageing Challenge.
South Asians total about five million in the UK and is the second-biggest ethnic population in the country. There are also much more susceptible to diabetes, cardiovascular problems and inactivity than Caucasians. There are studies that show that South Asian women are two- times at risk of self-harm than other ethnic groups. However, there are no culturally sensitive governmental or non-governmental programmes that address healthy ageing in the community.
UKRI is funding Cricketqube to conduct a feasibility study to see if our BYC can help the five million people of South Asian descent in the country.
We are working with doctors, psychotherapists, project managers and marketing gurus to create a plan that would help us effectively roll out BYC across the UK. We are liaising closely with community leaders to get feedback on the project plan to make sure that we have input from the community of interest.
What is UKRI?
Big challenges demand big thinkers - those who can unlock the answers and further our understanding of the important issues of our time. UKRI's work encompasses everything from the physical, biological and social sciences to innovation, engineering, medicine, the environment and the cultural impact of the arts and humanities. In all of these areas, their role is to bring together the people who can innovate and change the world for the better. UKRI works with the government to invest over £8 billion a year in research and innovation by partnering with academia and industry to make the impossible, possible. Through the UK's nine leading academic and industrial funding councils, UKRI creates knowledge with impact.
What They Said
"Cricketqube in Newcastle helps keep South Asian women, for whom healthy ageing and an active lifestyle are extremely difficult to achieve, physically and mentally healthy by playing cricket", UKRI said.
"South Asians are the second-biggest ethnic group in the country. The UKRI contract allows us to help use cricket - the most popular sport among the community - to help South Asian people - especially older women - achieve healthy ageing. We are grateful to UKRI for allowing us to help the community", said Alosh K Jose, CEO of Cricketqube.